Audit Committee

MediaTek’s Audit Committee assists the Board in fulfilling its oversight of the quality and integrity of the accounting, auditing, reporting, and financial control practices of the Company.

The Audit Committee is responsible to review the Company’s:

Audit Committee Membership

Title Name Date Elected
Independent Director (Chairman) Chung-Yu Wu May 27, 2024
Independent Director Peng-Heng Chang May 27, 2024
Independent Director Syaru Shirley Lin May 27, 2024
Independent Director Yao-Wen Chang May 27, 2024

Audit Committee Meeting

The Audit Committee held 5 sessions in 2023. The attendance of the independent directors is shown in the following table:

Title/Name Attendance in Person By Proxy Attendance Rate in Person (%) Note
Independent Director: Chung-Yu Wu(Chairman) 5 0 100% Re-elected in the Annual General Meeting on July 5, 2021
Independent Director: Peng-Heng Chang5 0 100% As above
Independent Director: Ming-Je Tang 5 0 100% As above
Independent Director: Syaru Shirley Lin 2 0 100% Newly-elected in the Annual General Meeting on May 31, 2023

Resolutions related to Securities and Exchange Act §14-5 in 2023:

Date Meeting Resolution Any Independent Director Having a Dissenting Opinion or Qualified Opinion
Feb 2, 2023 The 11th meeting of the 3rd Committee
  • The second issuance of “the Second Issuance Rules of MediaTek Y2021 Restricted Stock Awards Plan”.
  • Members in the Audit Committee approved all resolutions unanimously. The Board of Directors approved all resolutions in accordance with the suggestion of the Audit Committee.
    Feb 24, 2023 The 12th meeting of the 3rd Committee
  • The Company’s financial statements for 2022.
  • The Company’s internal control statement and self-assessment report for 2022.
  • The Company’s business report for 2022.
  • The distribution of the Company’s profits for 2022 (including the distribution of cash dividends).
  • Members in the Audit Committee approved all resolutions unanimously. The Board of Directors approved all resolutions in accordance with the suggestion of the Audit Committee.
    Apr 27, 2023 The 13th meeting of the 3rd Committee
  • The financial statements for the first quarter of 2023.
  • The construction of the Tongluo data center (phase I).
  • The construction of the Tongluo data center (phase I).
  • Members in the Audit Committee approved all resolutions unanimously. The Board of Directors approved all resolutions in accordance with the suggestion of the Audit Committee.
    Jul 27, 2023 The 14th meeting of the 3rd Committee
  • The financial statements for the second quarter of 2023.
  • Members in the Audit Committee approved all resolutions unanimously. The Board of Directors approved all resolutions in accordance with the suggestion of the Audit Committee.
    Oct 26, 2023 The 15th meeting of the 3rd Committee
  • The financial statements for the third quarter of 2023.
  • The Company’s business report for the first half of 2023.
  • The distribution of the Company’s profits for the first half-year of 2023.
  • The CPA compensation for the Company in 2023.
  • Members in the Audit Committee approved all resolutions unanimously. The Board of Directors approved all resolutions in accordance with the suggestion of the Audit Committee.

    The independent directors communicate with the chief of internal audit executive (CAE) and the independent auditor at the regular Audit Committee meetings and in the separate meetings. The communication channels and interactions are functioned well.

    The CAE reports the annual audit plan execution and audit finding improvement status to independent directors at least 4 times per year and the CAE reports material audit business updates to independent directors in the quarterly separate meetings. They also exchange their opinions for the effectiveness of internal control implementation of the Company.

    the independent auditor and the independent directors meet at the Audit Committee meetings at least twice per year and additionally for a separate meeting at least once per year for review and assess financial statements and discuss relevant topics or to exchange their opinions.

    For special or significant matters, the independent directors can access the CAE or independent auditor for discussion anytime.

    Summary of the meeting agenda that was communicated between the independent directors and CAE is shown in the following table:

    Date Meeting Meeting Agenda Independent Director's Comment
    2018.03.22 Audit Committee 1. Status update of 2017 Q4 audit plan execution and audit findings improvement
    2. Review 2017 Internal Control Self-assessment result and the Statement of Internal Control System
    2018.04.26 Audit Committee 1. Status update for 2018 Q1 audit plan execution and audit findings improvement None
    2018.07.30 Audit Committee 1. Status update for 2018 Q2 audit plan execution and audit findings improvement None
    2018.10.30 Audit Committee 1. Status update of 2018 Q3 audit plan execution and audit findings improvement
    2. Approve 2019 internal audit plan
    2019.01.29 Audit Committee 1. Status update of 2018 Q4 audit plan execution and audit findings improvement None
    2019.03.21 Audit Committee 1. Review 2018 Internal Control Self-assessment result and the Statement of Internal Control System None
    2019.04.29 Audit Committee 1. Status update for 2019 Q1 audit plan execution and audit findings improvement None
    2019.07.30 Audit Committee 1. Status update for 2019 Q2 audit plan execution and audit findings improvement None
    2019.10.29 Audit Committee 1. Status update of 2019 Q3 audit plan execution and audit findings improvement
    2. Approve 2020 internal audit plan
    2020.02.06 Audit Committee 1. Status update of 2019 Q4 audit plan execution and audit findings improvement None
    2020.03.19 Audit Committee 1. Review 2019 Internal Control Self-assessment result and the Statement of Internal Control System None
    2020.04.17 Audit Committee 1. Status update for 2020 Q1 audit plan execution and audit findings improvement None
    2020.07.30 Audit Committee 1. Status update for 2020 Q2 audit plan execution and audit findings improvement None
    2020.10.29 Audit Committee 1. Status update of 2020 Q3 audit plan execution and audit findings improvement
    2. Approve 2021 internal audit plan
    2021.01.21 Meeting (separate meeting) 1. Status update of 2020 Q4 audit plan execution
    2. Key audit scope of 2021 Q1 audit plan
    2021.01.26 Audit Committee 1. Status update of 2020 Q4 audit plan execution and audit findings improvement None
    2021.03.16 Meeting (separate meeting) 1.Review 2020 Internal Control Self-assessment execution status None
    2021.03.18 Audit Committee 1. Review 2020 Internal Control Self-assessment result and the Statement of Internal Control System None
    2021.04.22 Meeting (separate meeting) 1. Status update of 2021 Q1 audit plan execution
    2. Key audit scope of 2021 Q2 audit plan
    2021.04.27 Audit Committee 1. Status update for 2021 Q1 audit plan execution and audit findings improvement None
    2021.07.22 Meeting (separate meeting) 1. Status update of 2021 Q2 audit plan execution
    2. Key audit scope of 2021 Q3 audit plan
    2021.07.26 Audit Committee 1. Status update for 2021 Q2 audit plan execution and audit findings improvement None
    2021.10.22 Meeting (separate meeting) 1. Status update of 2021 Q3 audit plan execution
    2. Key audit scope of 2021 Q4 audit plan
    2021.10.25 Audit Committee 1. Status update of 2021 Q3 audit plan execution and audit findings improvement
    2. Approve 2022 internal audit plan
    2022.01.25 Meeting (separate meeting) 1. Status update of 2021 Q4 audit plan execution
    2. Key audit scope of 2022 Q1 audit plan
    2022.01.26 Audit Committee 1. Status update of 2021 Q4 audit plan execution and audit findings improvement None
    2022.02.22 Meeting (separate meeting) 1.Review 2021 Internal Control Self-assessment execution status None
    2022.02.25 Audit Committee 1. Review 2021 Internal Control Self-assessment result and the Statement of Internal Control System None
    2022.04.25 Meeting (separate meeting) 1. Status update of 2022 Q1 audit plan execution
    2. Key audit scope of 2022 Q2 audit plan
    2022.04.26 Audit Committee 1. Status update for 2022 Q1 audit plan execution and audit findings improvement None
    2022.07.26 Meeting (separate meeting) 1. Status update of 2022 Q2 audit plan execution
    2. Key audit scope of 2022 Q3 audit plan
    2022.07.28 Audit Committee 1. Status update for 2022 Q2 audit plan execution and audit findings improvement None
    2022.10.24 Meeting (separate meeting) 1. Status update of 2022 Q3 audit plan execution
    2. Key audit scope of 2022 Q4 audit plan
    2022.10.27 Audit Committee 1. Status update of 2022 Q3 audit plan execution and audit findings improvement
    2. Approve 2023 internal audit plan
    2023.01.30 Meeting (separate meeting) 1. Status update of 2022 Q4 audit plan execution
    2. Key audit scope of 2023 Q1 audit plan
    2023.02.02 Audit Committee 1. Status update of 2022 Q4 audit plan execution and audit findings improvement None
    2023.02.20 Meeting (separate meeting) 1. Review 2022 Internal Control Self-assessment execution status None
    2023.02.24 Audit Committee 1. Review 2022 Internal Control Self-assessment result and the Statement of Internal Control System None
    2023.04.26 Meeting (separate meeting) 1. Status update of 2023 Q1 audit plan execution
    2. Key audit scope of 2023 Q2 audit plan
    2023.04.27 Audit Committee 1. Status update for 2023 Q1 audit plan execution and audit findings improvement None
    2023.07.20 Meeting (separate meeting) 1. Status update of 2023 Q2 audit plan execution
    2. Key audit scope of 2023 Q3 audit plan
    2023.07.27 Audit Committee 1. Status update for 2023 Q2 audit plan execution and audit findings improvement None
    2023.10.24 Meeting (separate meeting) 1. Status update of 2023 Q3 audit plan execution
    2. Key audit scope of 2023 Q4 audit plan
    3. 2024 internal audit plan
    2023.10.26 Audit Committee 1. Status update of 2023 Q3 audit plan execution and audit findings improvement
    2. Approve 2024 internal audit plan

    Summary of the communication results of Audit Committee and Independent auditor.

    Date MeetingCommunication Issues Independent Director's Comment
    2019.03.21 Audit Committee 1. Independent auditors’ report on the financial statements
    2. Testing results and findings of internal control testing
    3. Evaluation on implementing process of IFRS 16 adoption
    4. Key audit matters
    5. Other significant accounting and auditing issues
    2019.10.29 Audit Committee 1. Independent auditors’ report on the financial statements
    2. Communicating key audit matters in the independent auditor’s report
    3. Other significant accounting and auditing issues
    2020.03.19 Audit Committee 1. Independent auditors’ report on the financial statements
    2. Testing results and findings of internal control testing
    3. Key audit matters
    4.  Other significant accounting and auditing issues
    2020.10.29 Audit Committee 1. Independent auditors’ report on the financial statements
    2. Communicating key audit matters in the independent auditor’s report
    3. Other significant accounting and auditing issues
    2021.03.18 Audit Committee 1. Independent auditors’ report on the financial statements
    2. Testing results and findings of internal control testing
    3. Key audit matters
    4. Other significant accounting and auditing issues
    2021.10.22 Meeting (separate meeting) 1. Communicating key audit matters in the independent auditor’s report
    2. Regulatory developments
    2021.10.25 Audit Committee 1. Independent auditors’ report on the financial statements
    2. Other significant accounting and auditing issues
    2022.02.25 Audit Committee 1. Independent auditors’ report on the financial statements
    2. Testing results and findings of internal control testing
    3. Key audit matters
    4. Other significant accounting and auditing issues
    Meeting (separate meeting) 1. Key audit matters
    2. Regulatory developments
    2022.10.27 Audit Committee 1. Independent auditors’ report on the financial statements
    2. Other significant accounting and auditing issues
    2023.02.24 Audit Committee 1. Independent auditors’ report on the financial statements
    2. Testing results and findings of internal control testing
    3. Key audit matters
    4. Other significant accounting and auditing issues
    2023.10.24 Meeting (separate meeting) 1. Key audit matters
    2. Regulatory developments
    2023.10.26 Audit Committee 1. Independent auditors’ report on the financial statements
    2. Other significant accounting and auditing issues