M&A Strategy Committee

To enhance corporate governance and the strategic guidance function of the Board of Directors, the Mergers and Acquisitions Strategy Committee (“M&A Strategy Committee”) has been established in accordance with Article 27 of the Corporate Governance Best Practice Principles. The responsibilities of this M&A Strategy Committee include conducting strategic evaluations of the Group's mergers and acquisitions projects and reporting to the Board of Directors. To ensure the sustainable operation of the Group, in addition to discussing specific merger and acquisition projects, the overall merger and acquisition strategy of the Group is regularly reviewed in the M&A Strategy Committee. The M&A Strategy Committee examines major global industry investment cases and trends, identifies the risks and opportunities brought about by changes in the external environment, and leverages the diverse expertise of the Directors to facilitate the achievement of the Company's short, medium, and long-term goals, as well as the sustainable development goals.

The establishment of this M&A Strategy Committee will not affect the exercise of the functions and powers of the Company’s Audit Committee. Mergers and acquisitions that should be resolved by the Audit Committee in accordance with relevant laws and regulations should still be reviewed by the Audit Committee in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.

The M&A Strategy Committee currently consists of four directors. The members of the M&A Strategy Committee are Chairman Ming-Kai Tsai, independent director Peng-Heng Chang, independent director Syaru Shirley Lin and independent director Yao-Wen Chang. Their professional competencies are listed in the following table:

M&A Strategy Committee Membership

Name Professional Competencies
Chairman Ming-Kai Tsai (Chairperson) with expertise in management and strategic planning
Peng-Heng Chang (Independent Director) with expertise in business management and organization planning
Syaru Shirley Lin (Independent Director) with expertise in business/finance and strategic planning
Yao-Wen Chang (Independent Director) with expertise in industry/technology and strategic planning

Operation of M&A Strategy Committee

The committee has held one meeting in 2024 in accordance with M&A Strategy Committee Charter. All members of the committee attended the meeting with attendance rate of 100%.