4.1.    Major Capital Expenditure and Sources of Funding 

Unit: NT$ thousands


Actual or Planned Source of Capital

Estimated Capital Requirement 
(as of 2015 and 2014)



Fixed Assets - Land, Office Building and R&D Equipment

Cash flow generated from operation




Intangible Assets - Software, IPs and Patents

Cash flow generated from operation




4.2.    Expected Future Benefits

(1) Fixed Assets - Land and office buildings:

Investment in proper and well-planned space is necessary for attracting talents who are responsible for developing new products. Product development is crucial to the Company’s sustainability.

(2) Fixed Assets - R&D equipment:

Equipment and software can help the Company’s R&D process become more efficient and thus shorten the product development cycle.

(3) Intangible assets: software, IPs and patents:

It is necessary for the company to strengthen its patent protection in order to navigate the current competitive landscape, which is often mired in complex patent disputes. The company has continued its efforts to obtain high-value patents to improve the company’s patent portfolio. These patents can be applied in many of the company’s advanced products.